In the mad rush of post-pandemic events, it is often hard to find the time to respond to each customer quickly, never mind getting back to suppliers, especially when you have to say “Thank you but no thank you.”. One might think it is better to just go silent, not say anything just to avoid embarrassment on both sides.  But in reality, it is much better to get back to say “No thank you.”. It allows your supplier to move on, it saves them time on following up and if you give feedback, it gives your supplier valuable business intelligence.   So, whether you are saying yes or saying no, it is always the best policy to get back to your suppliers.

As our colleague, Michelle Nicol CRP, said in her Canadian Rental Service article: We all know that we won’t win over every couple, corporate event or festival. There is competition in our industry and each company offers different services, price points and customer support levels. If a customer has booked elsewhere, a good salesperson will brush it off and move on to the next.