We tested an Energy Efficient Electric Heater

We were recently asked to test out Mensa Heating’s line of  Energy Efficient Electric infrared quartz short wave patio heaters.  These energy-efficient electric heaters are designed to fit under a table providing direct warmth to the limbs. One of the units is designed to replace a table post and legs.  It features a proximity switch so it only produces heat when someone sits in front of it.    Unlike traditional heaters, they don’t heat the air; they simply heat your body. This advanced technology uses very little energy, so three heaters require only one 15 amp circuit.

We tested the energy efficient electric heaters out on a cool, windy day at the beginning of April.  Sitting with the heater under the table, we could feel the warmth on our legs. It was a comfortable warmth that was consistent, didn’t get too hot.   Because it was less than 10 c we did need to keep a jacket on it felt like we were sitting in front of a campfire.  We came to the conclusion that these heaters would work wonderfully when the weather was 10c and above.

The energy efficient electric heaters are light and elegantly designed.  There are no moving parts, and they are cool to the touch. Operating costs would be very low.  Because the heaters are designed to be under the table, they don’t take up floor space; they prevent drafts on your legs.

You will need to think about where to place the power cords to prevent tripping. If you are using a deck, you may be able to run your power under the deck.  Because the heat is so direct, you may need to provide some alternative type of heating.   In our opinion, these heaters would work well in conjunction with traditional heating in a tent or an exposed location.

Serial Connectivity – Vireoo Pro & Statio can be connected serially. Vireoo Pro 3 heaters (500W each) on a circuit. Statio 2 heaters (700W each) on a circuit.

Warranty – The heaters come with a 1-year manufacturer’s warranty. The Ultra Low Glare Lamp has a life expectancy of 5,000 – 7,000 hours. The lamp is completely encased and can easily be replaced. Other replacements are also available.

We thought the energy efficient electric heaters were well made, easy to use, easy to move and pleasant.  These heaters would provide that extra bit of warmth that many customers desired when heating their patios with propane heaters.  On an early spring evening or late summer day when temperatures are between 10 – 20 c they would be perfect.  Do you think they would work well on your patio?   There is inventory in Toronto right now, if you would like to order them you can here:

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