As we head into the holiday season in this time of Covid19 have you asked yourself how you will be able to show your appreciation for your customers and employees? Have you wondered “How can I keep those I value safe and still show them I care?” “How can I host a Holiday Party in the Time of Covid 19?”  We have been racking our brains to come up with answers to your questions.
Here is one idea we have come up with:

The Drive through Holiday Party

Holiday Party Drive Through Tent Who: This event is for anyone planing a Holiday Party with a large parking lot or access to a large parking lot.

Companies outside of the downtown core, Banquet Halls or Venues  who are planning Holiday Parties would find this a fun safe solution for their guests.

What: Create a drive through Holiday Party experience for your employees where they can get some traditional holiday cheer safely with minimal contact between employees and servers.

A large tent would be set up in the parking lot with stations where guests would be handed individual portions of cheer. Street performers would entertain while in line and music would be piped into car radios. Tent would be decorated with back drops and seasonal décor.

Where: In a parking lot. A Holiday Part under a tent  30 x 60 Legacy tent

would work well for this. It would provide shelter for the performers but allow safe access for cars. The 15’ entrance way would be 8’6” tall which would allow most cars to enter safely.

When: The last week of November or early December would be the perfect time to host a Holiday Party outside.

Because the outdoor temperature would be between 7 c and -5 c. you will need a tent for shelter and maybe you want to add heat for your outdoor Christmas Party.

Holiday Party November December weather

Why: The pandemic has curtailed most corporate entertaining.

People, more than ever, are craving recognition and community. Creating a very visible event that is safe and welcoming will make employees, customers and friends feel cared for.

What you will need:
• Catering
• Entertainment
• Décor

Who are you going to call?  Call Higgins Event Rentals – we make hosting events easier.

Holiday Party 30 x 30 double sidedContact Higgins Event Rentals?

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